After the boom and bust of the last few years many businesses have had to alter the way they operate. Being more efficient and streamlined is fantastic, and the lessons you learn now will make your enterprise that much stronger as the economy improves. One thing that Dentists and Labs need to be cautious about though is what I call "Fishing With Dynamite". Basically cutting corners that impact the level of care you provide may make you money now, but it will cost your business down the road. Sustainable business is like sustainable fishing, if your a catch and release person your customers will come back, and even recommend new customers. On the other hand looking at the short term and using dynamite may not only cost you return visits from existing clients, but all those referrals that truly allow for healthy growth.
As a Dental Lab I can make crowns quick and cut corners on material, but that will only help my bottom line in the short term. All of my quality minded care providers will start looking for a new lab, and I will be spending additional time and money looking for new clients. Especially in tough times the long term relationships with customers need to be maintained because fishing with dynamite will quickly deplete the customer base you have worked so hard to build.
Here at Two Ocean Dental Lab we want to provide quality products for quality customers. Thank you to all of our care providers for putting the patient first.
Fishing With Dynamite, Sure It Works But.