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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Lithium Disilicate?

Two words "monolithic restoration" make up the main selling point of lithium disilicate restorations. Our lab uses Ivoclars e.max system, although there are other options out there for this new option for fixed restorations. Flexural strength for IPS e.max press is 400mpa, and for e.max CAD it is 360mpa.

Many of you are saying "So,  zirconia is up around 1000mpa depending on the type."

Well here is where the monolithic restoration makes a difference. Zirconia copings are very strong, it is true. Porcelain layered on the zirconia is only around 120mpa though depending on the type. What is a monolithic restoration? It is a full contour crown made of the same material throughout the restoration. A full contour pressed restoration is 400mpa from inside to outside, there are no layers where flexural strength changes drastically from 1000mpa to 120mpa.

Now that we know the difference many of you have had great luck with your zirconia restorations, and when manufactured and seated correctly they are a fantastic restoration. Now you have another tool in your tool belt, and should consider e.max when evaluating a patient. Here are some additional advantages to e.max:

  • Precious metals have been on the rise, lithium disilicate is metal free.
  • All porcelain crowns are very aesthetic.
  • Appropriate for patients with metal allergies.
  • Can be cemented or bonded.

When considering a patient for e.max please remember to take a stump shade, and of course follow the preparation and use guidelines from Ivoclar. As always if you have any questions our lab is happy to assist just e-mail us or call (307)200-4136.

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